Sunday, May 29, 2005

International Pioneers

Seismograph invented by: - CHANG HENG of China in 132 A.D.
World’s greatest Mathematician: - PYTHAGORAS, born during 500 B.C.
Father of Modern Chemistry: - ANTOINE LAURENT LAVOISER,
born on August 26th, 1746 in Paris.
Neutrons discovered by: - British Physicist Sir JAMES CHADWICK and
was awarded Nobel Prize in 1935.
Father of Indian Nuclear Science: - Dr. HOMI JEHANGIR BHABHA, born on October 30th, 1909.
Father of Indian Space Research: - Dr. VIKRAM SARABHAI, born on
August 12th, 1919.
First Satellite: - ARYABHATTA due to the efforts of Dr. Sarabhai in April
19th, 1975.
Wireless Telegraphy: - GUGLIELMO MARCONI, born on 26th April,
1874 at Bologna in Italy
Asia’s First Atomic Reactor: - APSARA at TROMBAY in 1956.
Person associated with Einstein: - SATYENDRA NATH BOSE, born on
January 1st, 1894.
Great Indian Mathematician and Astronomer: - ARYABHATTA, born in 476
AD at Kusumapura (Pataliputra).
Cresco graph developed by: - Sir JAGDISH CHANDRA BOSE, born
on November 30th, 1858.

SRINVASA RAMANUJAN, born on December 22nd, 1887.
Dr. SUBRAHMANYAN CHANDRASEKHAR, born on October 19th, 1910 in Lahore.
Charlie Chaplin: - Original name CHAPLIN CHARLES SPENCER,
born in 1889 in South London and died in 1977.
Laurel & Hardy: -Stanley Laurel original name ARTHUR JEFFERSON
and HARDY OLIVER, born in 1890, 1892 respectively
and died in 1965, 1975 respectively.
Television: - BAIRD J.L.
Submarine: - BUSHWELL.
Electron Theory, Atomic Structure: -BOHR
Machine gun: - JAMES PUCKLE.
Atom Bomb: - RUTHERFORD.
Oxygen: - J.B.PRIESTLY.
Dynamite: - ALFRED NOBEL

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