Thursday, July 21, 2005

Facts about TCS

01. it employees around 28,000 professionals.
02. it has crossed $2 billion in revenues in around 1998.
03. it has set up computer lab for IIT Kanpur.
04. it has designed the course and labs for MTech in VLSI for IIT Mumbai.
05. it has also setup labs for subject mathematics and modelling for IIT Chennai.
06. it was started in around 1970s, before Microsoft,Apple,HP,Compaq,etc.. all the biggie-wiggies of IT industry.
07. the only companies existed CapGemini,EDS and offcourse IBM.
08. it was started when niether of the best languages such as C, JAVA etc were invented
09. the only language available was FORTRAN.
10. it initially started working on BURROUGHS computer being imported from USA.
11. it was the path setter of all the IT companies in INDIA.

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